
RSA Annual Exhibition 2021

McGinlay Bell are delighted to have a snapshot of our metric research works feature in this years Royal Scottish Academy 195th Annual Online Exhibition.

As cultural venues and producers face huge operational challenges due to Covid-19 plus new barriers for audiences, the #TramwayRevistied project develops detailed research assets that visually appraises the current (four-level system) Coronavirus guidance set out by the Scottish Government.

McGinlay Bell architects are one of seven UK companies working together on this brand new digital project along with Stageport, Glasgow Tramway, ASE Consulting, Indigo, ISODesign and RVT Parametrix. The Sustainable Innovation Fund from Innovate UK is funding 1103 projects, 1069 UK businesses and totalling over £130 million in support across the UK.

RSA Annual Exhibition – McGinlay Bell – #TramwayRevisited