McGinlay Bell are delighted to announce that, following an invited competition, they have been appointed to complete a masterplanning design exercise for a proposed redevelopment of West Ward Works in Guthrie Street, Dundee.
The study will investigate the potential redevelopment of DC Thomson’s former book print works building in Dundee. A charitable trust has recently been established to develop the building with the phased project aiming to transform Dundee’s 18,580 sqm West Ward Works factory into a cultural and creative hub featuring a range of possible uses including a venue, business incubator, and innovation centre.
West Ward Works is a building of historic, architectural and cultural significance and it is planned to raise funds and invest in the building over the next 10 years from a wide range of partners and investors. Fundraising for the venture is currently in progress and the project has been accepted into the Tay Cities Deal programme.